Affordances and what Instagram can offer

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been found to be the most used social media platforms in recent studies. These 3 platforms all offer a different array of affordances. Facebook can offer more as it allows for more privacy settings which is appealing to most, while having users be allowed to post photo, video and text posts. Instagram however, provides less affordances, while it allows for a larger public sphere, it only allows its users to upload images and short videos. Twitter is on another level as it emphasises text based information through short posts. 

Instagram is a typical platform that I use to present myself. It is a self-curated way where I am able to allow my friends and followers – who may not be as close to me – access to my life. The image of myself I present is mostly authentic, although occasionally I present myself as a persona of how I want people to perceive my life. For example, I can create a sense of style or the idea that I am always happy or have a perfect life. Sometimes these can be accurate representations while other times they can be an exaggeration of myself. 

Instagram allows for one to post pictures and now videos, connect the instagram account to Facebook, follow celebrities and organisations as well as meme or ‘funny’ pages. Following these different pages creates a feed on the homepage. By allowing a person to post pictures and videos, this in turn allows them to express themselves. If I was to connect my Instagram account to Facebook, anything I uploaded to Instagram would automatically be uploaded to Facebook. I don’t believe this platform can do more than other platforms in regard to establishing a sense of self. 

I believe Instagram allows for almost all the same affordances as the other major media platforms as it has almost all of the same functions. The functions of posting, sharing stories and captioning posts allows an individual the ability to post or share their political and/or other beliefs. They are also able to show only a certain aspect or side of their life as well as share links on the story function. 

Instagram is largely a domestic and internationally accessible program. With a public profile it is easy for one’s profile to appear on any person’s search page. The app also has a function which allows you to translate captions which are posted in another language, making connections between international people easier. Due to the sometimes selective or authentic persona I present, I feel that my intended audience can be expanded beyond my family and friends into people in my wider community who may not know me, or who may know me, but not well.

References Christina Shane-Simpson, Adriana Manago, Naomi Gaggi, Kristen Gillespie-Lynch 2018, Why do college students prefer Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Site affordances, tensions between privacy and self-expression, and implications for social capital, Computers in Human Behaviour, vo. 86, pg 277, Accessed 28/08/20

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